Spirit is the essence of consciousness,
the energy of the universe that creates all things.
-Shakti Gawain
Spirit is the action of a universal Mind,
which is all knowledge, all wisdom, all intelligence,
focalizing Itself in and through the individual
in a unique and distinct way.
-Raymond Charles Barker
If we really want to define spirit,
the best definition is pure intelligence.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
What is spirit?
It is the eternal substance, that which is.
-R. J. Campbell
The universal substance in its higher rate of motion,
constitutes the higher intelligence, spirit or energy.
-George W. Carey
Spirit, Intelligence and Matter
are one and the same Esse in different rates of motion.
-George W. Carey
The spirit creates and weaves its spiritual body
by its own activity.
-Edouard Schure
...operation of Eternal Spirit -
operating with its own substance, its very  self.
-George W. Carey
Spirit is ever in a state of becoming, ever uttering itself,
and yet through all eternity
can never exhaust its own potentialities,
for these are limitless.
-R. J. Campbell

The subtlety, the power and the perfection of the spiritual body
vary according to the quality of the spirit it encloses.
-Edouard Schure

Spirit is a category, not an individual being.
-George Santayana

Spirit is never object: 
the existence of that which exists is never an object.
-Nikolai Berdyaev 
Spirit is always present,
just as the sun is always shining above the clouds.
-Dan Millman
The spirit is what the sun is to the planets of our solar system. 
-Georg Feuerstein 
Spirit is transcendent
only in the sense that the quality of wholeness
is transcendent to the nature of the parts of the whole.
-Dane Rudhyar
The totality of Nature, as we behold it,
is the field of action of the consciousness or spirit.
-Mathaji Vanamali
The light of the Spirit is invisible,
concealed in all beings.
A human being is, first and foremost a spirit
but, in order to live and act on earth,
it has to incarnate.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Man is a spirit,
but a spirit that lives as a mental being
in physical Nature.
-Aurobindo Ghose
According to the great sages,
there is something in us that is always conscious -
that is literally aware or conscious
at all times and through all states,
waking, dreaming, sleeping.
And that ever-present awareness is Spirit in us.
That underlying current of conscious consciousness
(or non-dual awareness)
is a direct and unbroken ray of pure Spirit itself.
-Ken Wilber
Witnessing awareness is Spirit itself.
-Ken Wilber
It is the Holy Spirit
which witnesses to man's innate perfection,
the spirit is man's real nature
and within him is the secret shrine of the Divine Spirit.
-'Abd al-Karim Jili
The real man is the Spirit,
all-powerful, unlimited, omniscient Spirit.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The quintessence of man is his spirit.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Spirit in its true sense is the essence.
The spirit of anything means its essence.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
He who identifies with the spirit
knows he is immortal;
he is conscious of being a free and luminous energy,
distinct from the body.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The spirit is all-powerful,
the spirit is immortal,
the spirit is omniscient,
and when you identify with it,
matter no longer has the same hold on you.
Our physical body is obliged to obey the laws of matter,
but the spirit is under no such obligation.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
As matter is the outcome of spirit,
spirit has all power over matter.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Matter is a state of spirit.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The Spirit can heal and renew the body,
quicken the mind,
and set the soul on fire.
-Christian Larson
Spirit must have a medium
through which to impress the dense physical atoms.
It is our psyche...which can be more easily manipulated.
-Inez Eudora Perry
It is also true that the fate or destiny of each individual
depends on the extent and degree to which the Spirit in man
is able to control, direct and manifest the threads of life
through the cerebro-spinal nervous system.
The electricty of life truly flows through them.
-Inez Eudora Perry
The spirit is a virtuoso violinist
who needs a good instrument
in order to produce good music.
--Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
The highest vibration is associated with spirit.
From one point of view that vibration is sheer aliveness,
from another, it is pure selfless love -
a compassionate resonance with all beings.
To realize the spirit, we must vibrate at its unsurpassed rate.
-Georg Feuerstein
When a man's own body, his own spirit,
are more radiant than anything else,
then there is nothing else that can give him more spirit.
He himself is spirit.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The Spirit enters the lives
of those who enter the life of Spirit.
-Christian Larson
Spirit in its inmost essence
is the principle of harmonious growth within us.
-Haridas Chaudhuri
It is through life that one is to experience the spirit
and communicate the spirit and live in the spirit.
-Joseph Campbell
All that opens to us the road to the supreme realities,
pulls us out from the mud of Ignorance in which we are stuck,
opens the doors to us, shows us the path,
leads us to where we have to go -
this is what man has called "spirit".
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"
We know the Spirit by its victorious tone.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is no permanence
except in spirit.
-William Walker Atkinson, "A. P. Mukerji"
In spirit there is no darkness,
therefore in the spirit all things can be seen as they are.
-Christian Larson
In the spirit all things are forever new.
-Christian Larson
Simple is the spirit
-The Oculatum
Your mind can be possessed by illusions,
but spirit is eternally free.
-A Course in Miracles